Find out heirs of debts – morally acceptable?

In almost 30 years of receivables management, DIAGONAL Inkasso has naturally experienced many deaths among debtors. After the loss of a loved one, a stressful and difficult time begins for the bereaved. You as a business owner are now faced with a difficult decision: Do you find out the heirs of the debt and insist on the claim or rather drop it? The most important factor: the “how”. The DIAGONAL Group is your appreciative partner in this sensitive area.

Find out heirs of debts – how to do it?

DIAGONAL Group has not only the necessary sensitivity in contacting the heirs of debts, but also efficient systematics to find them out. As a technology leader in the industry, we also have automated processes for heir determination. Since we are in close contact with your customers anyway, we also learn about their deaths promptly. We can specifically find out the heirs of the debts via the German probate courts. Subsequently, we enter into appreciative contact with the heir or the community of heirs. The use of our proven communication psychology protects your image and ensures your success.

Find out heirs of debts – is it worth it?

With almost three decades of experience, we can also advise you on commercial decisions. Especially if your target group consists of vulnerable people who sometimes have large amounts of bills outstanding (medical supply stores, pharmacies, etc.), it is worth finding out the heirs to the debt.
Even if your deceased client has no heirs and we find out the treasury or the state as heirs to the debt, movable products such as expensive wheelchairs can be returned to you.

Who inherited your outstanding debt?

It’s simple: we find out the heirs of the debt!

Haben Sie Fragen zu Inheritance investigation?

Inkasso-Experte Philipp Kadel freut sich auf Ihren Kontakt.