With the right payment methods to a successful online store

The most important milestone along the customer journey through your online store is the checkout process. Your customer clicks through to checkout with a full shopping cart. At this point, a few key criteria determine the customer’s revenue or loss. A streamlined, user-friendly process is key. But did you know that 53% of online shoppers abandon the buying process because their preferred payment method is not offered? A payment method mix that suits your target group therefore determines more than half of your sales!

Which payment methods suit your target group?

DIAGONAL’s payment method consulting helps you set up the right payment method mix for your online store. The most important factor: your target group! How old are your customers? Where do they live? What is their income? What products can be found in your online store? Do you have high-priced shopping carts? Do you already have dropout statistics? Questions to which we find answers in order to put together the optimal combination of payment methods for your online store.

Secure and insecure payment methods – pros and cons

Payment methods in the online store can be divided into secure and insecure payment methods. The secure payment methods, such as PayPal, credit card payment or Sofortüberweisung offer the advantage that (with proper business processing) you as an online store operator also receive your earned revenue.

Although PayPal is one of the most popular payment methods, it is still clearly outstripped in popularity by “purchase on account” or “by direct debit” – the so-called insecure payment methods. 91% of German online shoppers want the goods first and then pay. We advise you how to secure these sales without any risk!

Do you need payment methods for your e-commerce business?

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